Prospective Providers

Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency is committed first and foremost to our current and future customers. Our statewide provider partners are vital in the delivery of the individual highly customized services needed to benefit those customers. Our providers are properly vetted and considered CRPs (all VR Providers approved to deliver services) who are public or private not-for-profit organizations that provide vocational rehabilitation services. CRPs are required to obtain certain approvals by the GVRA, such as vendorization, certification, and accreditation, prior to serving GVRA consumers. 

  • Vendorization: The approval to purchase services for GVRA consumers after vetting by establishing a vendor relationship with a CRP. 

  • Certification: Quality assurance and approval method for services purchased from CRPs using the standards set forth in the Provider Guidelines Manual. 

  • Accreditation: Approval by CARF, TCSG, NAC or other appropriate accreditation depending on the service. 

Vocational Rehabilitation services provided by CRPs fall under the following core service categories: 

  • Evaluations and Assessment Services 

  • Assistive Services 

  • Pre-Employment Transition Services 

  • Academic, Proprietary and Vocational School Support  

  • Client Support Services 

  • Employment Skills Development 

Uniform Fee Structure 

GVRA has established a Uniform Fee Structure which reimburses approved CRPs on a fee-for-service basis. An authorization for services from the GVRA Rehabilitation Counselor is required prior to the delivery of all services. The Uniform Fee Structure applies to all CRPs in a fee-for-service relationship with the GVRA. 

Getting Started 

The Provider Guidelines Manual describes the GVRA's policy, procedures, and standards for approving CRP Providers. Interested organizations should review the Manual and follow the steps listed below: 

Current employment and community services standards may also require interested providers and specific services to be CARF-accredited. CARF is a private, not-for-profit accreditation agency that provides an impartial review of vocational rehabilitation agencies and services. 

If you're an established VR provider and require assistance, please send an email to [email protected] . When you do, be sure to mention the district that serves you.

To Become a GVRA Provider

GVRA welcomes interested providers to join our network of service providers to support Georgians with disabilities. GVRA has established an open enrollment period for new providers. That period will run April 1st-May 15th annually. Interested providers who want to become an authorized provider should email [email protected]  during that time period for further dialogue on the application process.

