Transition Services
GVRA Transition Services is committed to helping potentially eligible and VR eligible students move from high school to further education, training, or into the world of work. It’s never too early to start planning next steps, and we want to help make that planning process as smooth as possible. Transition services assists secondary education school students with disabilities to transition from school into postsecondary education or training or directly into employment with the ultimate goal of inclusion in the adult community as productive citizens.
GVRA offers services for Georgians starting at the age 14. These services can begin with Pre-Employment Transition Services and can lead to a transition to becoming a VR customer. The GVRA Transition team consists of specialized Transition Supervisors, counselors and pre-employment specialists as well as high school teachers, school counselors, family members or students that may request services. A counselor can become involved early in the transition planning process. From there the potentially eligible student may apply for serves and once determined eligible for services, a VR counselor can develop a career goal and pick classes and work-related activities that will help the student meet that goal, through the Individual Plan for Employment (IPE).
Additional Services and Activities (Life After High School): Students with disabilities have several options after graduating from high school. This may be referred to as an informed choice. During High school students may have received Pre-ETS services, but options after high school may include other VR supported programs like that offer a credential towards a measurable skill gain:
- Supported Employment - Provisions wherein people with disabilities, including intellectual disabilities, mental health, and traumatic brain injury, among others, are assisted with obtaining and maintaining employment.
- Customized Employment - Designed to personalize the employment relationship between a job candidate or employee and an employer in a way that meets the needs of both. It is based on identifying the strengths, conditions, and interests of a job candidate or employee through a process of discovery
- Residential programs (Roosevelt Warm Springs and Cave Springs) - Offers a wide range of residential and day programs and services designed to promote self-determination, maximize independence and achieve competitive careers.
- Inclusive Post-Secondary programs (IPSE) - IPSE programs allow students who would not traditionally attend college to experience all the developmental and independence building benefits of a post-secondary education in a supported setting. Unlike traditional college programs, students who earn a Special Education Diploma, a General Education Diploma earned with GAA (Georgia Alternative Assessment) Credits, or a Certificate of Attendance may apply, and College Entrance Exam scores (i.e.: SAT/ACT/ACCUPLACER) are not required.
- Dual Enrollment (before graduating from high school) - High school students with disabilities who have individualized education programs (IEPs), are receiving services under the IDEA and take courses offered by a community college or other postsecondary education institution program prior to high school graduation.
- Technical Schools, Two year degree, Four year degree
If you feel you are eligible, please refer to our Vocational Services page for more information on eligibility,
Transition Forum Video
- Primary: (844) FOR-GVRA (+1 844-367-4872)