Pre-Employment Transition Services
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) amends the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. WIOA requires agencies to set aside federal funds to ensure students with disabilities have opportunities to receive the training and other services necessary to transition to achieve competitive integrated employment or post-secondary training or education.
A student is eligible for Pre-Employment Services (Pre-ETS) if they are at least 14 years old and have not yet turned 22 years old, and are enrolled in an educational program with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504 plan, or other disability documentation. The disability documentation of a potential disability is required for a student to receive Pre-ETS.
Services and Activities:
Pre-Employment Services (Pre-ETS) can be provided to both potentially eligible students or VR eligible customers that meet the requirements above. The five (5) Pre-ETS required under WIOA that Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (GVRA) provides are:
- Job Exploration Counseling - Assists students in discovering career opportunities in their fields of interest.
- Counseling on Post-Secondary Opportunities - Information and guidance on a variety of post-secondary education and training opportunities.
- Workplace Readiness Training – Teaching workplace readiness traits to include soft skills that employers seek from employees.
- Work Based Learning - An educational approach or instructional methodology that uses the workplace or real work practices to provide students with the knowledge and skills that will help them connect school experiences to real-life work activities and future career opportunities.
- Self-Advocacy Instruction – Developing an ability to effectively communicate, convey, negotiate or assert his/her own interests and/or desires.
If students require services beyond the five Pre-ETS activities, they may apply for Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services. Once determined eligible for VR services, services are identified based on the specific needs of the individual. Transition services are more intensive, individualized services that are provided under an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE). The IPE is developed with the student and outlines the intermediate objectives and services necessary to support the student in successfully meeting their specific vocational goal. The IPE also identifies funding sources, partners, vendors, and other resources that are necessary to ensure a successful transition into competitive integrated employment. These services can last as short as a few months, or as long as a few years.
Transition options after graduating high school:
- Work
- Local or Residential Vocational Training
- Roosevelt Warm Springs
- Cave Springs Center
- Disability Specific Centers
- GVRA Local Training Providers
- Post-Secondary Education
- Technical College
- 2 or 4 year College
- University
- Inclusive Post Secondary Education (IPSE)
- IPSE gives students the opportunity to attend colleges and universities enrolled in inclusive training programs.
- GVRA can support up to $3,000 per semester toward programs that are Certified Transition Programs. Click the link to view the list of colleges and universities in Georgia that offer these programs and more information on IPSE: Inclusive Post-Secondary Education (IPSE) - Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (
How do I request Pre-ETS for my student?
- Complete the Parental Permission Form
- Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Accommodation Plan provided by you or the student's school to Vocational Rehabilitation.
- Collaboration and coordination between student's school and Vocational Rehabilitation.
- Services provided to student by Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency staff or by contracted providers.
If you have questions or need assistance in requesting Pre-Employment Services, contact your Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) counselor or call us at (844) FOR-GVRA (844- 367-4872).
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) Publications
Post Secondary Education (IPSE) Rack Card
To view more of GVRA's publications, click here.