What are Pre-ETS? 

Students with a disability between the ages of 14 up to 22 are eligible to receive specialized Pre-employment transition services (Pre-ETS). Pre-ETS are career focused services that may include job explorations counseling, counseling on post-secondary opportunities, workplace readiness training, work based learning, and self-advocacy instruction. 

How does my student qualify for Pre-ETS? 

A student is eligible for pre-employment Services (Pre-ETS) if they are at least 14 years old and have not yet turned 22 years old, and are enrolled in an educational program with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan, or other disability documentation. The disability documentation of a potential disability is required for a student to receive Pre-ETS. 

How do I receive Pre-ETS for my student? 

  • First step is to complete the parental permission form.
  • Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Accommodation Plan provided by you or the student's school to Vocational Rehabilitation.
  • Collaboration and coordination between student's school and Vocational Rehabilitation. 
  • Services provided to student by Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency staff or by contracted providers. 

Please complete the Parental Permission Form