Clients in storm-impacted areas seeking GVRA services:
Please use our online referral or call us at (844) 367-4872.
July 07, 2021
GVRA monitoring Hurricane Elsa; remaining open for standard business hours
GVRA is monitoring the potential impact of Hurricane Elsa and is observing all directives from the Office of Gov. Brian P. Kemp. Tuesday night, Gov. Kemp issued an Executive Order to expire at 11:59 pm Wednesday, July 14th, that primarily deals with transportation, infrastructure and prohibitions on price gouging. The order does not suspend state operations. As such, GVRA will continue to observe standard business hours. However, the safety of our staff and clients is paramount. If you have an in-person appointment with us but would like to consider virtual or telephone options, please contact your counselor or the appropriate staff person to make arrangements.