Clients in storm-impacted areas seeking GVRA services:
Please use our online referral or call us at (844) 367-4872.
Work Incentives Planning and Assistance Services
What is WIPA?
Work Incentive Planning and Assistance (WIPA) services are available to individuals receiving SSI or SSDI benefits through the Social Security Administration.
WIPA Navigators help Social Security disability beneficiaries become more self-sufficient by explaining how employment could impact their benefits. WIPA Navigators support individuals by helping them understand the complex process of maintaining SSI or SSDI benefits while working.
What can WIPA help me do?
WIPA can help you find a job or start a business, protect your finances while you work or save for school, preserve Medicare or Medicaid while your work or save for school, participate in Federal and State work incentive programs.
How can I learn more or begin to receive services?
Call the Ticket to Work helpline (866-968-7842) to be assigned to the WIPA program serving their county.