September 04, 2024

Exciting New Developments for Georgia's Pathways to Partnerships (P2P) Grant

The Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (GVRA) Pathways to Partnerships (P2P) Grant, has exciting new developments on the way. This grant is transformative five-year initiative designed to enhance the training and preparation of children and youth with disabilities in Georgia. The program aims to empower young individuals to achieve and maintain competitive and integrated employment. 

The P2P project is founded on robust collaborations between GVRA, the Georgia Centers for Independent Living (CILs), local school districts (LEAs), the Georgia Department of Education (GADOE), and other key stakeholders. Together, these partnerships are committed to fostering student success, ensuring positive post-secondary outcomes, and creating meaningful, inclusive employment opportunities for youth with disabilities. 

The P2P Project is focused on achieving three main goals. 

  • Enhance Access to Resources: Increase the ability of children and youth with disabilities and their families to access resources through innovative P2P instructional programming. 
  • Promote Strategic Collaboration: Foster collaboration and partnerships that promote shared accountability for the success of children and youth with disabilities. 
  • Expand Outreach: Improve the accessibility of resources for children and youth with disabilities and their families through systematic outreach and information sharing within local communities and across Georgia. 

"GVRA is excited for the opportunity to partner with the Centers for Independent Living and the Georgia Department of Education to offer an innovative approach to preparing students with disabilities for post-secondary opportunities and careers beyond high school," says GVRA Executive Director Chris Wells. "The additional funding from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) will allow GVRA to expand services to middle school students in rural communities and build on our recent progress and success, while underscoring our commitment to collaborating with our state partners and other stakeholders." 

Exciting developments are on the horizon for the P2P team in Year 2 of the grant. The team will roll out programs at selected pilot sites to support children and youth with disabilities. Additionally, in collaboration with GVRA and three pilot CILs, the P2P team had developed a unique early intervention curriculum for middle school students called "Pathways to Dreams." This curriculum is designed with universal accessibility in mind and is vertically aligned to meet the development needs of students aged 10-14. "Pathways to Dreams" focuses on building essential soft skills, offering tailored lessons in job exploration, workplace readiness, and self-advocacy. 

Students enrolled in the P2P program also will have a unique opportunity to participate in Pre-Employment Transition (Pre-ETS) programs offered by GVRA while in high school. This initiative not only connects them with Center for Independent Living employees in their local community but also provides opportunities for comprehensive Pre-ETS and soft skills training. The Rehabilitation Center includes a financial literacy course, work-based learning, workplace readiness training, and counseling on education training options, all within a supportive and enriching environment. These lessons aim to empower participating students as they prepare for future careers. 

Aside from innovative programming for children and youth with disabilities, the P2P team is actively engaging in outreach events to raise awareness of GVRA and CIL services among students, families, and youth service professionals. A notable event is the Youth College and Career Expo at Berry College on September 4, 2024, where GVRA and P2P team members have been invited to present. This is a prime opportunity for them to engage with students, families, and college representatives, and to showcase the P2P team's commitment to promoting inclusive employment opportunities. 

The contents of this (article) were developed under a grant number H421E230027 from the Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. §§ 1221e-3 and 3474)