Assistive Work Technology (AWT) Services

GVRA’s Assistive Work Technology (AWT) team provides a variety of AWT services to address the assistive technology needs of eligible individuals. 

Specialized staff of rehabilitation engineers, occupational therapists, rehabilitation technologists, and rehabilitation technicians work with vocational rehabilitation counselors, providers, and vendors to improve the client’s individual's work-related independence in the home, school or work environment. By removing many barriers to going to work and successful employment, AWT is a vital part of the vocational rehabilitation work team. 

Assistive Work Technology includes high tech devices such as voice activated computers, environmental controls, and sophisticated vehicle modifications, and low tech devices as simple as jar openers or hand held magnifiers. 


  • Individualized Assistive Technology Evaluations 

  • Worksite Assessments 

  • Home Modifications 

  • Vehicle Modifications 


Georgia Assistive Technology Act  

Tools for Life  


State ADA Coordinator’s Office 

Georgia Department of Education 

Statewide Independent Living Council 
