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January 24, 2025
BEP Client becomes BEP Contractor: One Man’s Journey from Unemployment to Entrepreneurship

“As a blind vendor, how you conduct business affects the entire blind community,” said former GVRA client Chris Ingram duringthe opening session of the Business Enterprise Program’s 80th Annual Vendor Training Conference in October. “It’s important for us to remember that no one is an island. As vendors, we all must work together to build a promising future.”
Chris, who has limited vision and is considered legally blind, investigated services offered by GVRA upon losing his job in 2013. “In January, I was laid off from a tax software company, where I had been working in training and sales,” he said. “So, faced with that reality, I decided to reinvent myself.”
The U.S. Congress created the Business Enterprise Program under the Randolph-Sheppard Act of 1936. The program, which gives priority to blind vendors, is designed so that vendors can operate food service facilities in federal and state government buildings. The training curriculum emphasizes food service management, menu planning, health and safety, merchandising, and customer service.
Chris's role as a BEP Contractor leads to decision to become an entrepreneur
After spending two years as a subcontractor, Chris was delighted GVRA offered him the full Assistive Work Training (AWT) contract for Georgia BEP. Securing that contract later gave him the confidence to form his own assistive technology company, Argh Accessibility.
As a trainer, Chris traveled to meet with blind vendors throughout the state. “My role was to provide assistive technology training. I also helped put the point-of-sale equipment together and I explained how the technology works,” he noted. “From July of 2015 to June of 2022, Chris fulfilled the BEP Assistive Training contract. Although he has not completed contract work for GVRA over the past few years, Chris has a productive ongoing relationship with BEP. “From time to time, Georgia BEP staff have questions that pertain to the work I previously performed. I am happy to answer those questions because I know it’s strengthening the program,” he said. “Plus, I am biased---I think the Georgia program is among the best.”
As a self-employed businessman, Chris has negotiated a contract with Cantaloupe, a technology company that specializes in point-of-sale equipment for cashless payments. Cantaloupe offers micropayment processing, enterprise cloud software, and point-of-sale innovations.
National Association of Blind Merchants meeting enhances Chris’s success
Chris is excited about his relationship with Cantaloupe. “In 2018, the National Association of Blind Merchants (NAMB) invited me to join a meeting with Cantaloupe alongside other blind business owners,” he said. “During that meeting, I suggested Cantaloupe could be the preferred Micro-Market company for the Business Enterprise Program if they prioritized accessibility.”
With assistance from NAMB, Cantaloupe agreed to collaborate with Chris. “We drew up a contract and began working together in 2019,” he stated. “Since that time, I have helped Cantaloupe install Micro-Markets in over 30 states that offer Business Enterprise Programs.”
As part of his contract with Cantaloupe, Chris trains blind vendors in assistive technology and provides guidance on business practices and effective customer service. “I’m thankful Cantaloupe understands the value of having a blind person as part of their team,” he mused. “I’m glad they support my mission to empower blind vendors so the vendors can independently operate their small businesses.”
Chris teaches Assistive Work Technology (AWT); also benefits from upgrades
Although Chris is no longer a GVRA client, in 2023 he re-applied for GVRA services because he needed additional equipment to help his business thrive.
Celeste True, a GVRA rehabilitation technologist in the Assistive Work Technology (AWT) department, summarized the types of equipment GVRA purchased for Chris. “In order for Chris to be successful, he requested a Magnilink S Premium II closed-circuit television to increase his accessibility to paper documents. Using the closed-circuit TV enables him to view a variety of documents ranging from U.S. Mail to business reports.”
True acknowledged Chris is a long-time Mac user, so the AWT department procured a Studio Ultra computer that enables him to complete necessary financial and reporting obligations. “It’s a powerful computer. It handles all his current needs both as an assistive technology trainer and as a national consultant for blind vendors,” said True.
“Lastly, we purchased an LG 32” monitor. Chris had requested a monitor large enough to accommodate his visual acuity and one that has a mounting stand,” True explained. “The mounting stand is helpful because it allows him to pull the monitor closer, or to push it out of the way so he can have more desk space.”
GVRA’s Impact: “My involvement with BEP has been positive,” Chris says

Reflecting on the influence GVRA has had on his life, Chris said he is grateful for the training, equipment, and employment opportunities the agency has provided over the years. “Undoubtedly my involvement with GVRA and BEP has resulted in positive life changes. I’m fortunate to have a good rapport with Georgia BEP,” Chris replied.
Will Graham, a BEP business analyst, summed up Chris’s career trajectory: “Chris is an inspiration to all blind vendors who participate in BEP,” he shared. “Because he is an entrepreneur, I am certain Chris has a bright future---he’s charting his own course. I look forward to witnessing all the great things that are in store for him.”