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With a Little Help: A VR Success Story
By Team Lead Janice Withrow and CRC Krystle Davi
Peter Howell is a previous VR client successfully employed through employment supports. The efforts to help Mr. Howell succeed include counseling and guidance, job readiness, job search assistance and incidental services, all done under the umbrella of the the Griffin VR office.
Mr. Howell first came to VR expressing interest in contributing to his family, and the way to do this was through full-time employment.
With challenges related to performing complex job duties and interacting with others, Mr. Howell participated in personal and social adjustment training as well as counseling and guidance. Prior to receiving these services, he realized he could find, but not keep, jobs in fast food services.
Progressing through services, he was able to improve his ability to manage his racing thoughts, ultimately landing a position with Rack Room Shoes.
Mr. Howell liked this job, but was not quite satisfied. He wanted more.
Mr. Howell talked with his counselor, Krystle Davis, almost daily, inquiring about pay, benefits, how to obtain more work hours and vacation time. Job retention was a major topic of discussion.
With Rack Room Shoes, Mr. Howell learned job skills and work techniques to use in future employment.
Eventually, a job with McIntosh Trail came along. He saw the job advertisement in a local listing and went for it.
Mr. Howell went to the interview with his newly-completed resume, which was prepared and updated by VR.
He was excited to be hired for the position of Health Foods Service Worker.
Mr. Howell stays in contact with his counselor and shares job posts for positions at McIntosh Trail, where he has worked for two years.